
Special Event Coverage

Thank you for your interest in Special Event coverage by Falck. Please complete this form and we will send you a proposal.

Factors we take into account when preparing the proposal:

  • All requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the event
  • Event crowd size
  • Risk factors
  • EMS access to the venue (area traffic impedance)
  • EMS availability
  • Event impact on 911 operations.

We are eager to get in touch with you to discuss further details.

Request for proposal

Information about You

Information about You

Event information

Event information

Type of Event

Maps of the course or venue are required unless the venue is a permanent sports or entertainment facility or park.

Maps of the course or venue are required unless the venue is a permanent sports or entertainment facility or park.

On-site information

On-site information

Billing Information

Billing Information

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